Our community work is divided into three strands and can be short-term from a day to long-term over a few years. each project or activity is designed according to the needs of the group and the objectives. But the participants are at the core of our practice. 

‘The teacher is of course an artist, but being an artist does not mean that he or she can make the profile, can shape the students. What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.’, Paulo Freire, Brazilain pedagogue

Name Goes Here


A group is supported by a participatory facilitator to develop their photographic skills and to produce their own photography around a specific theme or for advocacy, build self-representation in communities that have traditionally been represented by others.  


We work with groups of short or long term periods to accompany them and teach them to make their films: camera, light, sound, directing, interviewing, acting, storyboard, editing…and having fun!


From darkroom pinhole, to chemigrams, pop up studio with costumes, self-portraits, storytelling, collage, we can go anywhere! The aim: be creative, have fun, bong with others and express yourself.