Algeria is the biggest country in Africa, and the 10th largest in the world. It is bordered in the north by the Mediterranean Sea and has 1,200 km of coastline. Algeria has borders with several countries – Tunisia, Libya in the East, Mali and Niger in the South. It also shares a border with Mauritania, Western Sahara in the Southwest and the Kingdom of Morocco in the West.

Algeria has similar customs and traditions to the countries that border it. Algeria is rich in various dishes and sweets such as:

– Couscous
– Chakhchoukha
– Chorba for dishes
– Baklawa
– Makrout for sweets

I have the pleasure to share with you some pictures representing some wonders of Algerian cuisine.



Makrout al ghars or Makrout with dates

Makrout laasel or Makrout with honey (with almonds inside)


It is made with flour, ghee, honey, nuts and Orange Blossom water.

Baklawa is very famous in Algeria. It is baked for weddings, Eid and for guests.


It’s made with flour, butter, icing sugar and almond.


 This is another kind of Makrout made with almonds, icing sugar, eggs and lemon.


It is made with semolina, ghee or butter, dates, water and Orange Blossom water.


Lham lahlou means Sweet meat, it is a very popular dish in Algeria especially during Ramadan. It is made mainly with lamb, prunes, raisins, almond, sugar, water and Orange blossom water.


Algerian cuisine is very rich, it has a range of ingredients including vegetables, fruits, spices, meats, fish, seafood and dried fruits. Vegetables are often used for salads, soups, tajines, couscous and casseroles.


Couscous is one of the famous Algerian dishes. It is cooked at Weddings, Eid and some families prepare it every Friday.

It can be in tomato sauce with meat and vegetables, or in white sauce with chicken and vegetables.


There are several types of Chakhchoukha, it is often eaten at festive celebrations and it is especially popular in the east and south-east of Algeria.

This consists of small pieces of bread. It is called Ftir or Rougag mixed with tomato sauce


Rechta is a type of noodles prepared at home, especially popular in Algiers. It is cooked in a vegetable sauce with meat or chicken.


Berkoukas also called Aish in some regions, is a hand made pasta that is shaped like a little ball.

This is cooked with vegetables and chicken. It is a dish of rich wealth and generosity.


Burak is usually served with Chorba during Ramadan, it has a crispy pastry outside with meat, cheese and eggs inside. It is absolutely delicious.

Chorba Frik is a soup traditionally served every day during Ramadan. It mainly composes of lamb or chicken with cracked wheat (frik), coriander and chickpeas.


Chlita is the tomato pepper Algerian salad and it is called Hmiss in some regions. It is served with the Algerian traditional bread called Kesra, but it can be served with any type of bread.


The traditional Algerian dress has been inherited and preserved from generation to generation. It is worn especially on occasions such as Eid, weddings and at circumcision ceremonies.

Karakou is a traditional dress consisting of two pieces. The first is a veil cloth embroidered by hand and the second is satin pants.


Gondoura Furgani is a long velvet dress embroidered by hand using the Majboud technique and it is called the Constantine’s Gondoura or Furgani. It is worn in honour of the Furgani family, the pioneer in the field of sewing in Constantine a city in eastern Algeria.


The Algerian caftan is a long

cloak with long sleeves,

embroidered by hand;

it is a popular dress in some

Algerian cities including Tlemcen,

Algiers, Oran and Blida.


The Amazigh dress or djaba is one of the most important traditional clothing in Algeria, especially in the Kabylie region in Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia. Its colours differ from one woman to another, white, black, and many other colours.


Barnous can be considered a national costume, in the form of a loose, sleeveless coat that covers the head. Made in different shapes, designs and various embroideries. The bride wears it on her wedding day when she leaves her family’s house to go to her husband’s house.


The clothing of the Daraa is part of the traditional local heritage that the people of the Algerian Sahara inherited from their ancestors. It is a loose-fitting garment made of Bazan fabric and carries some colourful motifs embroidered by a sewing machine or by hand.

الجَزَائِر ??


لَدَى الجَزَائِرعَادَات وَتَقَالِید مُمَاثِلَة لِلْبُلْدَانِ المُجَاوِرَةِ لَھَا. و الجَزَائِرُ غَنِیَّةٌ بِمُخْتَلَفِ الأَطْبَاقِ وَالحَلَوِیَاتِ مِثل

الكُسْكُس •

الشَخْشُوخَة •

الشُرْبَة بالنِسْبَةِ لِلأَطبَاقِ •

البَقْلاَوَة •

وَ المَقْرُوط بِالنِسْبَةِ لِلحَلَوِیَّات وَ یُسْعِدُنِي أَن أَشَارِكَ مَعَكُم بَعْضَ الصُوَرِ التِّي تُمَثِّل رَوْعَة المَطْبَخِ الجَزَائِري.

الحَلَوِیَات الجَزَائِرِیّةِ


مَقْرُوط الغَرْس أَو المَقْرُوط بالتَمْرِ










كَعِیكْعَات مْسَكْرِین

وَ ھِيَ مِزِیجٌ مِنَ الطَحِینِ الأَبیَضِ، الزُبَدَةِ، السُكَرِ النَاعِمِ و اللَوز.

مَقْرُوط اللُوز

ھَذَا نَوعٌ آخَرَ مِنَ المَقرُوطِ، وَھُوَ خَلِیطٌ مِنَ اللَوزِ، السُكَرِ لنَاعِمِ، البَیض وَ اللَیْمُونِ.

مْبَرْجَة أَو البْرَاج

وَ تُصْنَعُ مِنَ الدَقِیقِ،السَمِنِ أَوِ الزُبْدَةِ،التَمر، المَاء وَ مَاءِالزَھْرِ.

لَحَم لَحْلُو

لَحَمْ لَحْلُو ھُوَ طَبَقٌ شَھِیرٌ لِلْغَایَة فِي الجَزَائِر ، خَاصَةًخِلَالَ شَھْرِ رَمَضَان. یَتَكَوَّن بِشَكْلٍ أَسَاسِي مِنْ لَحْم الضَأن، الخُوخ وَ الزَبِیب المُجَفَفَة، اللَوز وَ السُكَر،المَاء وَمَاءَ الزَھر.

الأَطْبَاق الجَزَائِرِیَة

المَطْبَخُ الجَزَائِرِي غَنِيٌّ جدًا ، فَھُوَ یَحْتَوِي عَلَى مَجْمُوعَة مُتَنَوِّعَة مِنَ المُكَوِنَات بِمَا فِي ذَلِكَ الخُضَارِ وَالفَوَاكِھ، التَوَابِل وَاللُّحُوم، الأَسْمَاك وَالمَأْكُولَاتِ البَحْرِیَّة وَالفَوَاكِھ المُجَفَّفَة. غَالِبًا مَا تُسْتَخْدَم الخَضْرَوَاتِ فِي السَلَطَاتِ وَالحَسَاء والطَاجِین وَالكُسْكُس وَالأَطْبَاق الأُخُرَى.


یُعْتَبَرُ الكُسْكُس مِنَ أَشْھَر الأَطْبَاق الجَزَائِرِیَّة ، وَ یَتِّمُ طَھْیُھُ فِي الأَعْرَاسِ وَالأَعْیَادِ وَ تُحَضِرُهُ بَعْض العَائِلَات كُل یَوم جُمُعَة.

یُمكِن†تَحْضِیرُهُ†بِصَلْصَةِ†الطَمَاطِم†مَعَ اللُحُومِ†وَالخَضْرَوَات†،†أَوْ†بِالصَلْصَة البَیْضَاء†مَعَ†الدَجَاج†وَالخَضْرَوَاتِ أیضًاÆ


ھُنَاكَ عِدَّة أَنْوَاع مِنَ الشَخْشُوخَة ، وَغَالِباً مَا تُؤْكَلُ فِي الإِحْتِفَالَات وَ المُنَاسَبَات ، وَھِيَ أَكْثَر شَعْبِیَّة فِي شَرْقِ وَجَنُوب شَرْقِ الجَزَائِر.

وَ تَتَكَوَن مِن قِطَعٍ صَغِیرَةٍ مِن الخُبْزِ تُسَمَّى فَطِیر أَوْ رُڤَاڨ مَمْزُوجَة مَعَ صَلْصَة الطَمَاطِم.


الرَشْتَة ھِيَ نَوعٌ مِنَ المُعَجَنَات التِّي یَتِم تَحْضِیرُھَا فِي المَنْزِل وَ تَحْظَى بِشَعْبِیَّةٍ خَاصَةً فِي الجَزَائِر العَاصِمَة ، وَیَتِمُ طَھْیُھَا فِي صَلْصَة الخُضَار مَعَ اللَّحْم أَوْ الدَجَاج.


بَرْكُوكَس وَ یُسَمَى أَیْضًا العِیش فِي بَعْضِ المَنَاطِق ، وَھِيَ مَصْنُوعَة یَدَوِیًا عَلَى شَكْل كُرَاتٍ صَغِیرَة.

یُطْبَخُ مَعَ الخُضَارِ وَالدَجَاج.إِنَھُ طَبَقٌ غَنْيٌّ بالفَائِدَة وَ الكَرَم.

شُورْبَا فْرِیك وَ بُورَاك

شُورْبَا فْرِیك ھُوَ حَسَاء تَقْلِیدِي یُقَدَم خِلَالَ شھرِ رَمَضَان. وَتَتَكوَّن بِشَكْلٍ أَسَاسِي مِنْ لَحْمِ الضَأنِ أَوْ الدَجَاجِ، القَمح المَكَسَر (الفْرِیك)، الكُزْبَرَة وَالحُمُص.

عَادَةً مَا یَتِم تَقْدِیم البُورَاك مَعَ الشُورْبَة خِلَالَ شَھْرِ رَمَضَان ، وَ تَحْتَوِي عَلَى عَجِینة مُقَرْمِشَة مِنَ الخَارِج مَعَ اللَحْم، الجُبْن، البَیْض مِنَ الداخل. إِنَّھُ لَذِیذٌ لِلْغَایَة.

شُورْبَا فْرِیك وَ بُورَاك

الشْلِیطَة ھِيَ سَلَطَة جَزَائِرِیَّة مُتَكَوِّنَة مِنَ الطَمَاطِم وَ الفُلفُل، وَ تُسَمَى حْمِیس فِي بَعضِ المَنَاطِق. یَتِم تَقْدِیمُھَا مَعَ الخُبْز التَقْلِیدِي الجَزَائِرِي یُسَمَى كَسْرَة وَلَكِن یُمْكِن تَقْدِیمُھَا مَعَ أَيِّ نَوعٍ مِن الخُبْزِ.


L’Algérie est le plus grand pays d’Afrique et le 10ème au monde.
Il est bordé au nord par la mer Méditerranée et possède 1200 km de

L’Algérie a des frontières avec plusieurs pays et sont la Tunisie, la Libye à l’Est, le Mali et le Niger au Sud. Il partage également une frontière avec la Mauritanie, le Sahara occidental au sud-ouest et le Royaume du Maroc à l’ouest.

L’Algérie a des coutumes et des traditions similaires à celles des pays qui la bordent. Elle est riche en divers plats et gâteaux tels que: 

• Couscous
• Chakhchoukha
• Chorba pour les plats
• Baklawa
• Makrout pour les gâteaux

J’ai le plaisir de partager avec vous quelques photos représentant quelques merveilles de la cuisine algérienne.



Makrout al ghars ou bien
Makrout avec les dates

Makrout laasel ou Makrout avec du miel (avec des dattes à l’intérieur)


Elle est fait avec de la farine, du beurre clarifié, du miel, des noix et de l’eau de fleur d’oranger.

Baklawa est très célèbre en Algérie, elle est faite dans les mariages, l’Aïd et pour les invités aussi.


C’est un gâteau à base de farine, beurre, sucre glace et les amandes.


C’est un autre type de Makrout à base d’amandes, de sucre glace, d’oeufs et de citron.


Il est composé de semoule, du beurre clarifier ou du beurre, de dattes, d’eau et d’eau de fleur d’oranger.


Lham lahlou signifie Viande sucrée, est un plat très populaire en Algérie, en particulier pendant le Ramadan. Il est composé principalement d’agneau, de pruneaux, de raisins secs, d’amande, de sucre, d’eau et d’eau de fleur d’oranger.


La cuisine algérienne est très riche, elle a une diversité d’ingrédients dont des égumes, des fruits, des épices, des viandes, des poissons, des fruits de mer, des fruits secs. Les légumes sont souvent utilisés pour les salades, les soupes, les tadjines, les couscous et les plats en sauces.


Le couscous est l’un des célèbres plats algériens, il est cuisiné lors des mariages, de l’Aïd et certaines familles le préparent tous les vendredis.

Il peut être en sauce tomate avec de la viande et des légumes, ou en sauce blanche avec du poulet et des légumes également.


Il existe plusieurs types de Chakhchoukha, il est souvent consommé lors des célébrations festives, particulièrement populaire dans l’est et le sud-est de l’Algérie.

Il se compose de petits morceaux de pain appelé Ftir ou Rougag mélangés à de la sauce tomate.


La Rechta est un type de nouilles à préparer à la maison particulièrement appréciée à Alger, elle est cuite dans une sauce aux légumes avec de la viande ou du poulet.


Berkoukas aussi appelé Aish dans certaines régions, est une pâte faite à la main qui est la forme de petites boules.

Cuit avec des légumes et du poulet. C’est un plat riche et généreux.


La Chorba Frik est une soupe traditionnellement servie tous les jours pendant le Ramadan. Elle est composé principalement d’agneau ou de poulet avec du blé concassé (frik), de la coriandre et des pois chiches.

Le burak est généralement servi avec la Chorba pendant le Ramadan, il a une pâte croustillante à l’extérieur et avec de la viande, du fromage et des oeufs à l’intérieur. C’est absolument délicieux.


Chlita est la salade algérienne faite à base de tomate et poivron appelée Hmiss dans certaines régions. Elle est servie avec la galette traditionnelle algérienne qui s’appelle Kesra, mais elle peut être servie avec tout type de pain.